Charter Air Ambulance Services in Aligarh-Best Medical Emergency AIr Ambulance
Aligarh is the city located in Uttar Pradesh which is renowned for Aligarh Muslim University. The very nearest airport from Aligarh is Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi having 140 KM distance from Aligarh and has an Aligarh junction A-Class Railway Station. Meidilift is an emerging Air and Train Ambulance Services in Aligarh to shift its patients to Vellore and other cities. Not only Medilift is common air ambulance services in Aligarh, but It also popular for its cheap and lowest cost for shifting patients hence.
Fast Air Ambulance Service from Aligarh City
Medilift has a world class air ambulance services and very smart train ambulance services in Aligarh for the critical and serious patients under the familiar very experienced MD doctors’ supervision and paramedic co-operated and dedicated services with alien ICU equipment.
The feature of Medilift Air Ambulance Services:-
Very low cost
Effective service to patients
Booking process easily
Quality of services 99.99%
Our Offices / Contact Point
Suraksha Vihar Road, Mustak Nagar, Chauhapur, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh 202001
Phone Number +91- 9958718258 , +91-9958718279